This is a recent painting I did to go along with the Fort Snelling painting "series" which I have not posted here yet. The series depicts different scenes about the post as it appeared in 1848. Of course the Dakota people were a big part of the comings and goings of the settlement. This scene shows three Dakota warriors observing from afar. Just enough detail in the painting to evoke the distance between the two cultures the openess of the territory, both represented in this painting with the big sky and open prairie. Notice also that the sun is positioned to cast short shadows representing high noon on a hot summer day in northern Minnesota. I am sure this scene was played out many times in the 1800's, it was fun to paint while thinking of how it must have been to be alive during those days. This original of this painting is roughly 3'x3.5 and 2'x2' Giclee signed canvas prints of this painting sell for $195.00. Free shipping of course. Email steve@bergerfinearts.com to order.