Whenever I am walking through the woods and find an abandoned car or worse a group of them it is unsettling. This scene shows a place that has multiple abandoned vehicles. It looks almost like a graveyard. I hope it conveys that same type of feeling to you. This concludes the first phase of the "Ghost on the Prairie" series. I will be doing more but I have to work on my next series of landscapes.
The Ghosts Of The Prairie Series Meaning
The ghosts of past generations are all around us we just can't see them. Whenever you see an abandoned car it has a history that is as intriguing as the people who originally owned it. The places it went, the miles it traveled all add to the mystery of its final rusting place. On the prairie and in the forests the spirits of the deceased visit these relics often and guard them.
If you are interested in prints of this or the original go to the web site: www.bergerfinearts to the product page in the landscape category.