To follow up the earlier artwork with another quote from Lombardi was irresistible. I wanted something that every business owner, coach, and fan of football would like and how do you argue with this speech from Vince Lombardi on what it takes to be number one.
I am not sure where or who he gave this speech to originally but I think it was to newsmen asking questions on how does he keep his teams winning? What is the secret? I think Mr. Lombardi pretty well sums up winning with this reply that is part of my art work.
$50.00 and you can own this work, signed & numbered.
This work is available as a signed limited edition canvas giclee print . It measures 7"x18" (image area) and will retail for $50.00. That includes mailing. Contact: steve@bergerfinearts.com and leave your contact information to get one of these collector prints.