I recently had the opportunity to view the Virginia Battle Flag captured by the 1st Minnesota Volunteers at the battle of Gettysburg for a painting I am doing of it. This historic flag is being very well kept under the care of Matt Anderson of the Minnesota Historical Society. Matt was very helpful on filling me in on the history of the flag, he definitely knows his stuff.
When looking at the flag I discovered that the flag is in much better condition than I expected, some of the Minnesota regimental flags that were on display at the State Capital building were very faded and fragile looking and not nearly in the condition of the Virginia flag.
Matt also informed me one of the reasons that the 28th Virginia Infantry flag in his care is in such good condition is that the Virginians received this particular flag two weeks before the battle of Gettysburg. So it was almost new when Pickett's charge was initiated at Gettysburg on July 3rd 1863. I also learned that the type that announces that this is the "28th. Inf'y. is only on one side of the flag.
Being this close to a piece of American history is always exciting to me and it makes it even more meaningful when I paint my representation of it. The flag shows some small holes, tears and staining along with light fading of the color red all of which I hope to duplicate in my paintings as much as I can.
Attached to this post is a first color proof of the final painting. Watch my website and I will post it as soon as I have it finished. Prints will most likely be in the 2'x2' size.
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